Archives May 2022

Business Success

What is a successful business?

Defining success in business is an age old argument and typically one is forgiven in seeing successful business as only the large corporations that are turning millions, perhaps even billions in yearly revenue and whilst there is no doubt that the Facebooks, Microsoft and Apples of the world are indeed extremely successful, it is important to define business success on a deeper level.

Business success is often oversimplified by growth rates, financial metrics and profits, however the true measure of success for a business can only be defined by the person setting it up. Not all entrepreneurs set up businesses for the primary reason of making blockbuster net worth, instead they could simply be pursuing a passion, attempting to find the right work life balance and/or trying to make a difference.

Business Success

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Destination Life

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”

Steve jobs

Steve Jobs was a great many things, a life philosopher, is probably not something you consider one of them. However, his quote resonates with an ideology that is rapidly gaining traction, especially following a couple of pandemic laden, anxiety inducing years.

You see Steve Jobs highlights something that is so painstakingly obvious, but ignored by practically everyone. I suspect you read the above quote and didn’t answer firmly and confidently with a yes…But why is that? And why are we okay with that?

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