How can I get more customers for my business? Vyabul tells you how!

Many founders struggle, especially at the outset to gain customers for their business. After all, your business may have a great value proposition to someone, but how will they know about it and why would they recommend it? Here at Vyabul we are answering the question “how can I get more customers for my business” by giving you 5 key ways to gain new customers:

  1. Introduce a referral scheme – A referral scheme is a powerful tool when it comes to organic growth. You want your customers to be shouting about your business and some incentivisation can often go a long way. Business often grows through word of mouth and with new customers trusting the opinions of those closest to them. If you can get the right referral formula then you can create a powerful and relatively inexpensive fuel for growth.
  2. Offer discounts and incentives for new customers – This is a self-explanatory one and offers the opportunity to reach new customers through discounts, free trials and/or samples. Amazon prime and Netflix are two companies who employ this consistently. Demonstrating the value of their proposition through free trials and then offering discounts should a customer be looking to switch.
  3. Partner with complementary business – You have done the leg work to understand your target audience. So in essence you already know what they do, where they shop and what they support. It should be easy therefore to spot some complementary organisations in the same space through which you can potentially strike a mutually beneficial partnership. Make a list of organisations that you could potentially partner with and make sure you spell out your value proposition to them. Are they going to make more sales? Are you going to offer them a commission?
  4. Create the right marketing campaign – You need to think carefully about marketing. Done right it’s a potent cocktail for growth. Done wrong and its an endless pit of money spent on social media ads. Knowing your customer is key to an effective marketing campaign. Knowing where they shop, what they are looking for and how they interact with key touchpoints (e.g. technology) will be core considerations in your campaign. Information is power and you will then be able to employ a cost effective solution that will maximise your ROI.
  5. Take advantage of online reviews – In the digital age your business needs an online presence. Customers will tend to check reviews should they be dealing with a business they are unfamiliar with. And if yours stands out with numerous exceptional reviews you will be in a good spot to securing their custom.

So there you have it, 5 ways you can look to get more customers for your business. We hope this article proves useful and sets you on the right path to securing new customers.