10 of the Best Business Books in 2023

This page is designed to provide a list of some of the best business books on the market today. Books which have shaped the business world and provide useful context to many business and entrepreneurial principles.

These books come from credible sources with the authors of such books backed by significant research and analysis. Delving in to read some of these works will put you in a fantastic position to understand the core principles of business and with deeper knowledge you may garner more insight into how to develop your ideas and make them into a successful venture.

Business books, in my opinion, are well worth the investment. For the price of a restaurant dinner (£20-£30) you can gain access to hours of education, which in turn could spark new ideas, systems and ways of working propelling you, your ideas and your business to higher levels of performance. In the modern era of expensive workshops, mentor programs and online business courses a good business book represents superb value.

The Personal MBA

Available through: Amazon

The Personal MBA is a fascinating and well researched work that delves into the core concepts of business. The author Josh Kaufman bills it as a viable alternative to business school giving you an excellent foundational understanding of the key business concepts. This is one of my favorite business books and whilst some areas could be expanded upon, it is an easy read that provides clarity on a number of often difficult to understand business areas.

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

Available through: Amazon

Whilst Deep Work isn’t precisely a business book, it does touch on a core concept that needs to be considered when running a successful business. Procrastination is the art of the modern era with so many distractions constantly pulling our attention into different directions. Cal Newports book offers a mix of cultural criticism and actionable advice, advice you should try to heed as best as possible should you wish to embark on the journey of running your own business.

Thinking Fast and Slow

Available through: Amazon

Thinking Fast and Slow whilst not primarily a business book (it is more routed in psychology), is probably one of my favorite books around influence. The author Daniel Kahneman considers two systems that drive the way we think and make choices one system that is fast, emotional and relies primarily on intuition and the other slower more deliberative and logical approach. There are some excellent examples in the book of how our mind can sometimes skip logic in favor of a fast intuitive response and such knowledge and examples are powerful tools in business when influencing through promotions, sales and networks.

Steve Jobs

Available through: Amazon

Walter Isaacson’s bestselling biography of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is amongst the best business books out there, simply because it is an assessment and detailed view of the characteristics and mindset of one of the most successful and innovative entrepreneurs in the world. As a character Steve Jobs was searingly intense and dedicated and always sought perfection, attributes which contributed significantly to his successful and somewhat revolutionary business ventures.

Zero to One: Notes on Startups or how to Build the Future

Available through: Amazon

Zero to One is a business book that takes a slightly different approach, focusing on innovation. Paypal founder Peter Thiel highlights the premise that we can still go about creating new things, the next great entrepreneur won’t be winning by competing ruthlessly in todays marketplace, instead they will escape competition altogether, because their business will be unique.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Available through: Amazon

Dale Carnegie’s bestselling book ranks amongst the must reads in the world of business literature. The book focuses on illustrating how to effectively work with and manage other people whilst developing your leadership skills. Should you wish to run your own company in future, or even just take a senior role in an existing organisation, then this business book can provide you with time tested strategies and styles of working with people to get the best results.

Startup Opportunities: Know when to Quit your Day Job

Available through: Amazon

This Business Book by Sean Wise and Brad Feld elaborates on the idea that a startup needs to be validated before it can be invested in both from your own perspective and that of any potential outside investment. Vyabul touches on these principles in the Identifying and Assessing Business Opportunities section, which is designed to ensure you don’t waste time on ideas that aren’t viable, this book expands on these principles and advises to air on the side of caution before quitting your day job.

The 4-Hour Workweek

Available through: Amazon

I am an advocate of anyone who advocates a 4-hour workweek and Timothy Ferriss’ book is certainly an eye opener. The 4-hour workweek isn’t intrinsically a business book, but does touch on some very important topics such as efficiency and automation as well as a deep routing in Pareto’s 80:20 rule.

Good to Great: Why some Companies make the Leap and others Don’t

Available through: Amazon

Good to Great is one of the best management related business books on the market and despite being written back in 2001 still stands the test of time. Good to Great describes how companies transition from being just good companies into great ones that shake up entire industries and craft themselves a market leading position. If you are looking to own your own business one day, then this is a must read!

Grinding it out: The Making of McDonald’s

Available through: Amazon

Ray Kroc is a polarizing figure in the world of business and whether you have watched The Founder or not this book is an excellent read and provides the backdrop to how one of the biggest fast food chains, McDonalds’s, was formed. There are also some key learnings to take away with ideas that revolutionised food service automation, franchising, advertising and shared services.

Have any favorite Business Books?

The above list of business books covers Vyabul’s top picks and reading these works will certainly give you insight and ideas into how to run your own successful business. There are so many great business books out there and we at Vyabul are wondering if we missed any of your favorites?

So if you do have any recommendations for other top picks for the best business books to read in 2023 drop them in a comment below stating both:

  1. The Name of the book
  2. The Author of the book

Happy Reading!