Looking to save your business money? We find that many businesses simply don’t have the time or the resource to effectively manage non-core spend and from consumables to utilities many businesses are getting a raw deal!

That is precisely where Tailspend swoops in. Tailspend is designed to save your business money through better purchasing of non-core spend. Our team of experts use their years of procurement experience to analyse your non-core third party spend and identify and realise savings opportunities for you. We have a track record of delivering significant savings to the organisations we have worked with and if we don’t find savings opportunities within the spend we analyse, you don’t pay a penny!

That’s right, the Tailspend model works based on a percentage payment of the total savings realised as they accrue. Which means if there are no savings to be realised, you essentially just got yourself a free non-core contract spend audit!

So from your perspective it’s a win-win, either save some money, or rest assured you are already getting a pretty good deal!

All you have to do is get in touch and complete our basic form. A member of our team will then be in touch to discuss.

So what are you waiting for?